i want to wish my classmate--vishnu..
and yea,
4 of us when to giant bought present for bufday boy..
we are playing around there..
let the picture do the talking..
and there are acting someone
who? u guess le? =p
after that, we went to KOPITIAM and meet them..
a little bit scary when i gone up there..

er, i look like small gurl huh?
i had been long time din see him..
share with penguin..

i don't noe how to spell it actually..
u inhale it,
smoke will came out when u exhale..
just like smoke..
but i have to clarification..
we are not smoking..
im the one who left earliest tonight..
too bad =(
vishnu and jellyfish accompony me to go and meet my dad..
when we are on the way..
we have some talk..
me : (talk in chinese) i feel like left something that nvr take..feel weird la..
jellyfish : what u left? money? phone? ur spect?
me : no! all with me..but i still feel something that i left it..
vishnu :(ask me) why? what happen?
jellyfish : she feel like left something there..
vishnu : (same question) money? phone? spect?
me : no, it all with me!
vishnu : then? u left ur heart there ar?
me : (laughing)..ya, i guess so...
maybe he are right..i left my heart there XD
it alot fun tonight..
it alot fun tonight..
it memorable
happy =)