Saturday, October 1, 2011

【yes, no big deal.】

i don't know since when i become like this.
i hate relationship.
i hate responsibility.
i hate girls together with boy.
shit you.
you should know who i am from the beginning.
i did not hide myself this time.
you pull yourself into my danger instead of i pull myself into danger.
i hurt u, at the same time, i hurt myself too.
not because of the love, not because of what, just a kind of guilty feelings.
you push me to the limit.
you deserve the pain, so do i.
you got your on way, but i have mine too.
your dream is too high for me.
i can't follow your step, i felt breathless.
you said you understand, but you gave me all this shit.
relationship annoying, non relationship also annoying.
i hate to be in between friends and relationship too!
if you cant accept that who the hell i am now,
you don't need to say, i know you fed up on my attitude.
but me as well.
you don't know, i started to handle well.
i can be ignore and forgot after woke up in the next morning.

money creates problem. he said.
money can makes you betray family, friends and love. she said.
shit, its true.
i blame nobody, but i blame money this time.
family problems from money,
relationship most of the problem from family.
back to the main problem,
i love you, i hate you.

i got no feelings to all those words
i got no feelings to all those romantic
no mood makes me no feelings
forgive my manja-ness
you wont see that anymore

i don't want to rely on the can thingy or the bottle thingy or the stick.
they are just killing my cell.
thow mei li,
you are over,
you cross your limit,
stop and control yourself.
no big deal.